Researchers, academicians, scholars and people interested in the fields of language and communication are invited to participate with their articles in any of the conference axes attached on the conference website via the registratiorn form link

Researchers, academicians, scholars and people interested in the fields of language and communication are invited to participate with their articles in any of the conference axes attached on the conference website via the registratiorn form link

  • Providing a solid academic platform for exchanging knowledge, exchanging ideas, and scientific expertise on a sound methodological basis. The conference provides a scientific opportunity for academic and linguistic specialists to study the implications of digitization and its profound impact on language, culture, and sciences.

  • Availing opportunity for scholars to exchange ideas from different angles and various disciplines of knowledge to benefit from the refinement of their ideas.

  • Opening the horizons for scientific research in the field of language and digital communication

  • Assuring the ability of languages ​​to coexist, integrate, and continue in the digital era.

  • Revealing the most prominent challenges due to Covid 19 Pandemic on the levels of education, language and digital communication.

  • Highlighting the most important linguistic opportunities and challenges in the digital era.
  • Building up perceptions, suggestions and solutions to confront linguistic challenges and communication issues.