Articles to be submitted with regard to the following regulations:
1. Articles should be authentic, scientifically and cognitively valuable; language should be accurate, and punctuation marks should be properly used.
2. The article should not have been previously published or presented in any conference or journal. The researcher should fill in a guarantee form, within article submission form.
3. Articles are accepted in Arabic or English only.
4. Researchers are permitted to participate only once.
5. Abstracts together with the researcher’s brief bio to be emailed to the conference e-mail in word format no later than 9/15/2022 as follows:-
Abstract title must be stated in separate line in bold (12) font size.
The number of words of the abstract should not exceed (250) words, whether in Arabic or English, and should be in italicized font size (10). Key words should not exceed (6) words to be written in bold italics.
6. All articles submitted to the conference scientific committee are subject to arbitration by at least two referees specialized in the field of article just after checking the script citations rate, where similarities should not exceed (25%). The scientific committee of the conference may not accept articles without providing a justification.
7. After the approval of the Scientific Committee, the research, printed in Arabic or English in word format, should be e-mailed to the conference no later than,28/ 12/2022 provided that:
The number of pages of a complete article should not exceed (20) pages (A4: 21 x 29 cm) size and a maximum of (6000) words, including shapes, drawings, tables, images and references. Appendices are listed after the list of references, noting that the appendices are not published, but are included for the purpose of arbitration only.
The font type of the articles in Arabic should be in (Simplified Arabic), while those in English should be in (Times New Roman).
Left and right margins should be 2.5 cm and 3 cm for the top and bottom ones.
Spacing between lines should be 1.5 cm.
The name of the researcher or any reference to him/her must not indicated in the body of the article in order to ensure the confidentiality of the arbitration process.
Documentation and citations in the body of the article and the list of references are to be prepared according to the APA style.
The name of participant should be centralized and provided under the title of the article followed by the department, the faculty, institution, the city, the country to which he/she belongs and the e-mail.
8. The accepted articles will be published in the book (Proceedings of the Conference) approved in a special issue of Al-Istiqlal Journal.
9. Participants are granted a copy of the conference proceedings book and a certificate of participation.
10. There are no conference fees, and participants from outside Palestine bear the costs of travel and transportation.
11. Participation in the conference should be face-to-face attendance and in case of emergencies participation will be virtually via Zoom.